Tayana Solutions

Acumatica Filtering Soluti Report ons

This podcast explores a common challenge faced by Acumatica consultants and users and offers a clever solution using custom action buttons and combined reports. 

(a) Challenges with Acumatica Reports

When working with Acumatica, you might encounter a frustrating disconnect between filtering data on process screens and generating reports. You meticulously set up filters to narrow down the data displayed on the screen, but when you run a report, Acumatica pulls in all the data, ignoring the filtering work you’ve done. 

  • This issue stems from the way Acumatica filters data internally and how reports interact with that filtered data. 
  • Reports often seem unaware of the filtering applied on the process screens, resulting in reports that include unnecessary data, leading to confusion and frustration. 

For example, you might have a custom process screen for printing invoices with specific criteria. You filter the invoices based on certain conditions, but when you generate the report, it includes all invoices instead of just the selected ones. This situation highlights the disparity between Acumatica’s filtering capabilities and how reports handle data, creating a significant challenge for users who need accurate and targeted reports. 

(b) Solution: Custom Action Buttons and Combined Reports

Premalatha, a software engineer at Tayana Solutions, offers an innovative solution using Acumatica’s existing features to bridge this gap. 

  • She suggests adding a custom action button to the process screen, such as “Print Selected Invoices,” to trigger a specific report based on the filtered data. 

Behind this custom button lies the magic: 

  • Code that analyzes the process screen’s grid: The code identifies and selects only the records chosen by the user. This acts as a secondary filter, ensuring only the desired data is passed to the report. 
  • Leveraging Acumatica’s Combined Report functionality: This feature allows the consolidation of multiple records into a single report, making it ideal for presenting the specific selection from the process screen in a clean and organized manner. 
  • Error Prevention: The code also includes a check to see if any records were selected. If no records meet the criteria, the report is not generated, preventing blank pages and clutter. 


  • Accurate Reporting: The solution ensures that reports accurately reflect the filtered data from the process screen, eliminating irrelevant information. 
  • Enhanced Control and Flexibility: Users gain more control over report generation, enabling them to create targeted reports based on specific needs. 
  • Improved User Experience: By eliminating unnecessary data and blank pages, the solution streamlines the reporting process and enhances the overall user experience. 

About Tayana Solutions:

  • Tayana Solutions, the largest services partner for Acumatica, has a team of experts who can help businesses maximize their use of the Acumatica platform. 
  • They offer a wide range of services, including process streamlining, issue resolution, and support for in-house teams. 
  • If you’re facing challenges with Acumatica, including report filtering issues, reach out to Tayana Solutions at 678-910-2774. 

This solution showcases the power of thinking creatively within Acumatica to solve common challenges and improve the platform’s functionality. By leveraging existing features and incorporating custom code, users can overcome limitations and tailor Acumatica to meet their specific reporting needs.