Our objective;
We are Tayana Solutions; we have Acu Process Manufacturing Solutions. It deals with all kinds of functionalities in the pharmaceutical industry. It helps in drug formulations, Inventory Management, and Compliance Management, Purchase and sales management. Not only for the pharma industry but also Acu Process Manufacturing is the best fit as process manufacturing software for Food, chemicals, Nutraceuticals, and many more. Schedule a call with us now. Let’s walk through the complete demo. Connect Now
What is International Organization for Standardization (ISO)?
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international organization composed of representatives from different national standards organizations. It develops and publishes a wide variety range of proprietary industrial and commercial standards.
About – Latest ISO Updates;
Learn more about New ISO Standard to Help Identify Drugs. The pharma sector faces increasingly complex challenges as the number of prescription drugs has increased dramatically. Rapid growth in the number of medications may be contributing to increased uncertainties in this sector. A new ISO standard has been developed to address these challenges to help companies identify medicinal products (IDMP).
There was no value in identifying medical substances globally until now. This caused many challenges when adverse reactions to medicinal products were reported in one country and had to be interpreted by others. It was necessary to co-operate among drug regulatory authorities and increase transparency in reporting suspected adverse reactions to medicinal products.
ISO IDMP is a complete set of five ISO Standards. It forms the basis for a unique, global system of identification of medicinal products. The goal is to enable cross-border healthcare delivery, particularly the exchange of electronic prescriptions and safe dispensation of prescribed medicinal products. IDMP will impact many critical areas within a pharmaceutical company, from registration to research and development.
Lisa Spellman, Director of Global Standards for the American Health Information Management Association and Secretary of technical committee ISO/TC 215 on health informatics, said that the advent of IDMP will change the world. “One might have thought that IDMP already existed, but it didn’t exist. Now, thanks to ISO experts, IDMP will provide a structure and methodology that can be used by regulators and clinicians worldwide.”
ISO IDMP aims to harmonize how the pharmaceutical industry refers to medicinal products. It applies throughout the medicine life cycle, from clinical trials through marketing and, eventually, discontinuance. It will support drug adverse event monitoring and clinical processes such as electronic prescriptions.
Dr Herman Diederik, an expert on the subject, explains: “Implementation of the ISO IDMP standards will enable scientists worldwide to collaborate by delivering accurate substance descriptions. It will become a reference document for many scientists and IT experts alike, a unique solution.”
According to the ISO, the standards will “specify definitions for all other data elements required to identify medical products.”
The five standards in the IDMP series are:
- Substances – International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 11238
- Pharmaceutical preparations are standardized by ISO 11239.
- Units of measurement include ISO 11240
- Medicinal product information – ISO 11615
- Regulated pharmaceutical information is documented – according to ISO 11616.
The ISO IDMP standards are being adopted globally by health authorities and organizations such as the World Health Organization. The initiative has enjoyed cross-border support. EMA has already mandated compliance.
Brief about Acu Process Manufacturing (APM)
Acumatica’s xRP platform is a versatile application development platform and uses the world’s best cloud technology. Tayana is ISV-compliant; using the xRP platform, it has built an extension to Acumatica, called Acu Process Manufacturing Suite. This software suite has a complex and comprehensive set of features specific to process manufacturing. Tayana has extended Acumatica’s Inventory Module while leveraging its powerful Accounting, Sales, and Purchase modules. Let’s learn about the different modules for the pharma process manufacturing demo. Connect Now
Sangeetha brings 20 years of experience in Information Technology which includes Solution architecting, building micro services, research, and evaluation of business applications, integrating apps.