Tayana Solutions

Taming HTML in Acumatica Generic Inquiries: A Clever Solution

This content explains how to display formatted text from the description tab of Acumatica Inventory Items in a Generic Inquiry. 

(a) Challenges

  • Pulling formatted text, such as from the description tab in inventory items, and making it look clean in a Generic Inquiry (GI) can be a significant challenge in Acumatica. 
  • Descriptions often contain HTML formatting, which creates a jumbled mess of code when displayed in a GI. 
  • Directly linking inventory items and the description tab in the GI only provides the raw HTML code, not the formatted text. 

(b) Solution & Benefits

  • Leverage the Acumatica Report Designer: Mamta, an Associate Functional Consultant with 13 years of experience in ERP, discovered a solution using the Acumatica Report Designer. 
  • HTML to Plain Text Conversion: The report designer has a feature that converts HTML to plain text. 
  • Steps:  
  • Build a report to pull the description data. 
  • Use the HTML to text conversion feature to clean up the data. 
  • Pull the clean data into the Generic Inquiry. 
  • Outcome: The formatted text from the description tab displays perfectly as plain text in the GI. 


  • This solution offers a clean and efficient way to display formatted text in GIs. 
  • It avoids the need for complex workarounds or custom development. 
  • It highlights the importance of understanding the Acumatica platform and its hidden features. 

For similar Acumatica challenges:

  • Consider reaching out to Tayana Solutions, experts in finding hidden gems and creating elegant solutions within Acumatica. They have a team of consultants who can help implement, customize, and support Acumatica Cloud ERP. 
  • You can contact them at 678910-2774 to discuss your specific needs and explore potential solutions.